We provide tutoring and academic coaching for students of all ages.
Our team of 40+ brilliant tutors and learning specialists equip students with custom-tailored plans for academic success. From reading strategies for first grade to essay writing for senior year, Brigham Learning offers a consistently high-quality learning experience for all.

Subject Tutoring
Schedule easy-to-book subject tutoring sessions with one of our expert tutors.
Academic support is easy with Brigham Learning. We’ve sourced the leading educational experts for a variety of subjects, including:
Our tutors know that numbers can be overwhelming, so we structure each private tutoring session to move at a student’s pace for increased confidence.
Social Studies
We breakdown topics of history, geography, civics, and more in ways that are comprehensible (and even enjoyable!) for students.
From reading comprehension to creative writing, we give students the toolkit and passion to exercise and articulate critical thinking with ease.
Our expert team provides customized approaches for each student to encourage logic and active thinking.
Student sentiments will change from no bueno to amor with our fun approach to language tutoring.

Learning Assessments
Understand your unique strengths for academic success with learning assessments.
We have a team of learning specialists to help students understand how they intake, perceive, and process information. Here are the steps of the testing process:
1. Establish the challenge
2. Take the assessments
3. Review the results
4. Make a plan
Each assessment will give the student an understanding of their learning style, along with strategies to help retain information in their unique way.

Test Prep & College Essays
Ace tests and college essays through custom-tailored prep sessions.
Whether it’s a few group sessions to hash out strategies or comprehensive one-on-one guidance, we’ve got you covered.
Receive in-depth diagnostic evaluations on strengths and weaknesses to guide SAT studies.
Focus on English, mathematics, reading, or science—or all four!—to master the ACT exam.
Receive guidance and feedback on quantitative, comprehension, and verbal performance.
Secure your educational future through customized lessons to excel in the ISEE.
Increase your aptitude in reading, mathematics, and language with the guidance of our tutors.
Our team will create a customized learning schedule to help you with individualized exams of all sorts.
College Essays
Find your voice and wow admissions departments with one-on-one essay development services.

Academic Coaching
Master your strengths through ongoing executive functioning tutoring.
Executive functioning evaluates your specific strengths and weaknesses in the following areas:
Arrange thoughts and materials in a thoughtful order.
Create a plan of action for what’s ahead.
Exercise self-regulation by managing your thinking.
Get started on your task or plan of action.
Focus your mind to limit distractions.
Short-term memory
Retain and store information for future use.
Response inhibition
Maintain attention on your desired area of focus.
Switch tasks and game plans with ease.
Understand time so you can prioritize and act.
Find new confidence in learning.
Contact Brigham Learning today to be matched with one of our tutors.